

August 06, 2019 321 Comments

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Sacrifice and Faith

Sacrifice and Faith

August 04, 2019 80 Comments

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The MpowerMynt Challenge

The MpowerMynt Challenge

July 24, 2019 77 Comments

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Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the Moment

July 15, 2019 91 Comments

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What You Do Is Not Who You Are

What You Do Is Not Who You Are

July 06, 2019 11 Comments

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Time is Your Most Precious Resource

Time is Your Most Precious Resource

July 02, 2019 206 Comments

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Be the Hero of Your Own Life

Be the Hero of Your Own Life

June 23, 2019 32 Comments

We all have a choice in our life to be the hero or the victim. The victim has bad things happen to them, while the hero has bad things happen that they will overcome.

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Are You Really Happy or Just Comfortable?

Are You Really Happy or Just Comfortable?

June 18, 2019 50 Comments

In this update, I cover the difference between being uncomfortable and being in pain...

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Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

June 13, 2019 6 Comments

As promised, I introduce you to my secret sanctuary in this video.

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Do you really want it?

Do you really want it?

June 10, 2019 9 Comments

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A Logo Says a Thousand Words

A Logo Says a Thousand Words

June 06, 2019 75 Comments

With the brand purpose and name set...creating a logo was the next necessary step.  Having the right logo is important.

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And So It Begins...

And So It Begins...

June 03, 2019 8 Comments

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